Sunday, December 19, 2010


I just checked a web site that everyone know about it.
Web site about a brand that call roxy. Semua org tak kuno lagi kn? Haaa! Korg msti tau psl Roxy kn kn?

After I open the website, I click South Africa. Sje nk tgk bnde2 Roxy made in South Africa. Byk bikini laa. Haha.But I attractive on some accessories like this . Ntah brpe ratus la kn bnde tu. haha.

After that bkk American plak.Yg ni la best byk yg yan minat drpd bikini2 tdi -.-

Mom, i want this for my birthday. Ekekeke. In yout dream :p

Kakfha, nk beg ni blh? Tapi kne pegi America la sbb tu new arrival dkt sne :p

Kawan-kawan, nk top ni blh? alaa, nmpk ketiak je. Huahua . Berangan lah ko yan nk bju nmpk ketiak. Kne mrh nt. Muahahaha

Ok, ini last permintaan . Sape-sape, nk jeans ni. Cntiknye T_T

Itu je dari yan dan Roxy . Daaaa~